Children's Book: "Andrew's Loose Tooth" (multir...
Andrew's Loose Tooth by Robert Munsch I've been on a quest this summer to find books that reflect multiracial families. This is a super funny one! The book is
Children's Book: "Andrew's Loose Tooth" (multir...
Andrew's Loose Tooth by Robert Munsch I've been on a quest this summer to find books that reflect multiracial families. This is a super funny one! The book is
Book: "The Painted Man: What My Son Taught Me A...
The Painted Man: What My Son Taught Me About Race by Desmond Williams Another great find! Father in a multiracial family, Desmond Williams, puts pen (pencil) to paper and creates...
Book: "The Painted Man: What My Son Taught Me A...
The Painted Man: What My Son Taught Me About Race by Desmond Williams Another great find! Father in a multiracial family, Desmond Williams, puts pen (pencil) to paper and creates...