Maintaining Comic Strip - Multiracial Family, Life and Race
A couple of years ago, I ran across the comic strip "Maintaining" by cartoonist Nate Creekmore. Written from a biracial perspective, I was thrilled to see a comic strip that not only reflected my family, but dealt with the dynamics of growing up multiracial in a world that loves to place labels. It's obvious that Nate has given much thought to the mixed-race experience and the main character Marcus reflects that with just the right amount of wit and humor.
The strip first appeared in the newspaper at Lipscomb University in Nashville and was later picked up for syndication through Universal Press Syndicate from 2007 - 2009. Creekmoore is currently trying to get the 823 strips published in a book. Until then, you can sign-up to have the comic strip emailed to you daily or simply browse through them here.
I'm dedicating the cartoon below to my own self-proclaimed Halfrican, McKinley! Enjoy!