
100 Percent Mixed - YouTube video series of mixed people around the world sharing their experiences of growing up mixed. A Birth Project - Transracial Adoption (Black adoptee raised by White parents) Addicted to Race - Podcast Adoption Talk - Transracial Adoption (White mom/international adoption) Alas a Blog - Racism, sexism, feminism and more. Alex Barnett - Comedian, interracial family, White dad, Black mom, Jewish. American Anthropological Association - RACE: A Public Education Project Appetite for Equal Rights - All about equal rights. Applied Research Center - Racial justice through media, research and activism. Asian Nation - Asian American history, demographics and issues. A Time to Dance - Multiracial family through transracial adoption. Beads, Braids and Beyond -  Children's natural hair care and styling. Beyond Black & White - Black women empowerment and interracial relationships. Beyond Understanding - Author and mom in a multiracial family. Bicultural Mama - Chinese American mama married to "All American" guy. Biracial MamaBelle - Connecting multiracial families in Knoxville, TN. Biraciality - Biracial experience of one young woman. Blackflix - Multicultural celebrities. Blasian Baby Notes - Mixed babies: Black and Asian. BlogHer – Race and ethnicity. Brown Baby - Biracial view on race. Carmels On Maple Street - Adventures of mixed-race parenting. Cocoa Mamas ColorLines Community Village - Stands for freedom of movement--immigration and refugee rights. Curly Kidz Daily Multiracial - Ongoing journal featuring mixed race, biracial, multiracial or multiethnic individuals known to be famous, noteworthy and/or interesting.  David Roediger Diary of a Black and White Family Diaries of a Mixed (Up) Kid Embrace Diverse Schools Empatheia Entertaining Diversity Erase Racism NY Euphoria Luv Ezzy Guerrero-Languzzi Fanshen Cox Gori Girl Half Korean Hapa Happy Hour Hapa Mama Hapa Voice Harlow's Monkey Heidi Durrow Honey Smoke Honorée Fanonne Jeffers Huffington Post: Black Voices Huffington Post: Immigration Reform Huffington Post: Latino Voices Hybrid Rasta Mama Hyphenated Life I Wonder as I Wander I'm Not the Nanny Inconsequential Logic InCultureParent Intercultural Talk Interracial Family It's Never Just Black & White Jen Hatmacker Jillian Lauren Kim Wayans Laura Kina Life Behind The Wall Light Skinneded Girl Love Isn't Enough M.A.C.K. Mama C and the Boys Marcia Alesan Dawkins, Ph.D. Marcus Twyman Videos Mavin Foundation May I Have a Word? Maya Escobar Me and the Mexican Melody Sia Melungeon Heritage Association Mixed American Life Mixed and Happy Mixed Chicks Chat Mixed Chicks Chat on Talkshoe Mixed Communities Mixed Dreamers Mixed Folks Mixed Heritage Center Mixed in Canada Mixed in Different Shades Mixed Messages Mixed Race America Mixed Race Studies Mixed Reader Mixed TMABS Momsoap Ms Afropolitian Mulatto Diaries Mulatto Mayhem Mulattotude MultiCultClassics Multicultural Familia Multicultural Marriage Multicultural Minneapolis Multiracial Multiracial Americans of Southern California Multiracial Identity (Movie) Multiracial Sky My American Meltingpot NAME Native Appropriations No More Race POV borders Quadroon Girl Quiskaeya Race – Power of an Illusion – Interactive Race – Power of an Illusion – Videos Race Exhibit Race Initiative of Southwest Michigan Race-Talk Race-work, Race-love Racialicious Racism Review Rage Against the Minivan Resist Racism Rethinking Schools Say No to Racism Shockley Family STFU, Racist Stuff White People Do Swirl Swirl Power Swirl World Magazine The Blasian Narrative The Daily Race The Diversity Projekt The Loving Story - Film. The Many Shades of Love The Mauritz Family The Multiracial Activist The Next Family The Root thinksoul25 Third Mom This Nest Tiffany Rae Coaching TightlyCurly Turner & Lydia Understanding Race USA Rise Up Watermelon Sushi World What Are YouTube? White Matters White Sugar, Brown Sugar Yes! Yoon's Blur